DU SOL Results 2019: B.A, B.Com results declared at sol.du.ac.in. Here's how to check
DU SOL Results 2019: Candidates can check their result for all CBCS BA, BCom, and BA (H), B.Com (H) courses form the official website-- sol.du.ac.in.

DU SOL Results 2019 | School of Open Learning (SOL) of Delhi University (DU) has declared the result for all CBCS BA, BCom, and BA (H), B.Com (H) courses. Candidates can now check their results from the official website-- sol.du.ac.in.
Candidates who have cleared the first year in School of Open Learning (SOL) and Non-Collegiate Women’s Education Board (NCWEB) will now be able to take admission in any college affiliated to the University of Delhi (DU) in their second year.
How to check DU SOL BA, Bcom Programme Results 2019
1. Visit the official website-- sol.du.ac.in
2. Click on 'Marksheet/Results (B.A., B.Com., B.A.(Hons) B.Com.(H)' link
3. A new page will appear on the screen
4. Enter all the required details and click on submit
5. Your result will be displayed on the screen.
6. Download and take a print out of result for future reference
DU SOL Results 2019 | Direct Link
Click here to check the result
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