UPSC Admit Card 2020: UPSC Civil Services Main Admit Card expected soon; When, where and how to download
All the candidates who have being selected to appear for the UPSC Civil Services Main examination are requested to keep eye on the official website of the commission.

UPSC Admit Card 2020: The admit cards for the Civil Services main exam 2020 can be expected to be released by the Union Public Service Commission, UPSC, anytime soon. The admit cards will be published by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and will be available on its official website at
All the candidates who have being selected to appear for the UPSC Civil Services Main examination are requested to keep eye on the official website of the commission.
"The e-Admit Card will be made available on the UPSC website [] for downloading by candidates. No Admit Card will be sent by post. If a candidate does not receive his e-Admit Card or any other communication regarding his/her candidature for the examination three weeks before the commencement of the examination, he/she should at once contact the Commission," the UPSC has mentioned in the exam notification.
The UPSC CSE Mains 2020 exam would be conducted on January 8, 2021. The forenoon session would be from 9 am to 12 noon and the afternoon session would be conducted from 2 pm to 5 pm.
Candidates who have qulaified the October 4 Civil Services preliminary examination are eligible to appear for the main exam. A total of 10564 candidates are eligible to sit in the exam.
The UPSC had asked the qualified candidates tom register for the main examination. The registration process was open from October 28 to November 11.
“Candidates are informed that marks, cut off marks and answer keys of screening test held through CS (P) Examination, 2020 will be uploaded on the Commission’s website i.e. only after the entire process of the Civil Services Examination, 2020 is over i.e. after the declaration of final result,” the UPSC has said.
Meanwhile, the Civil Services exam 2021 details will be published in February. The exam will be conducted in June.
Time table of UPSC Civil Services Main 2020:
Steps to download UPSC Civil Services Main Admit Card 2020
- Log on to the official website:
- On the homepage, click on the link which says, “UPSC Civil Services Main 2020 e- Admit Card”
- Key in your UPSC roll number and other details
- On submitting the same, the UPSC Civil Services Main Admit Card 2020 will be displayed
- Download it and take print out of the same for future needs.
Selection procedure UPSC Civil Services Exam 2020:
The Civil Services Examination will consist of two successive stages
1. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (Objective type) for the selection of candidates for the Main Examination; and
2. Civil Services (Main) Examination (Written and Interview) for the selection of candidates for the various Services.