ICAI CA November Exams 2020 Admit Cards released. Get direct link
ICAI CA November Exams Admit Cards: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the admit card for Chartered Accountancy exams, which are to be conducted in November.

ICAI CA November Exams Admit Cards: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the admit card for Chartered Accountancy exams, which are to be conducted in November. The students who will appear for the examination can download their CA Exam admit card from the official website -- ICAI icai.org.
Meanwhile, students who want to opt-out of the exam will be allowed to do so once the window for opting out of the exams gets open on November 7. The option is for students infected with coronavirus or has any symptoms of the infectious virus. These students will be allowed to carry forward their candidature "with a due carryover of all benefits already available to students including the fee paid and exemptions for next examination". The exams will be next held in May 2021.
According to the official schedule, the CA November exams will take place between November 21 and December 14. Those who could not appear for the May attempt will also be appearing for the exams in November.
ICAI CA November Exams: How to download admit card
Step 1: Visit the official ICAI website -- icai.org
Step 2: Click on the link 'ICAI CA November Admit Card'
Step 3: Enter your credentials and login
Step 4: Your ICAI CA November admit card 2020 will be displayed
Step 5: Download the admit card and take its print out for future use
ICAI CA November Exam Admit Card -- Direct Link to download