ICAI CA November Exams 2020: COVID-19 guidelines for candidates
ICAI CA November Exams 2020: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is set to conduct the CA foundation, intermediate and final exams from November 21 to December 15.

ICAI CA November Exams 2020: The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is set to conduct the CA foundation, intermediate and final exams from November 21 to December 15. Assuring the safety of the centre superintendents, observers and CA exam candidates, ICAI has taken a variety of precautionary measures in view of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Candidates who are going to appear for the CA November 2020 exams are expected to follow certain guidelines on the days of ICAI CA exams 2020.
ICAI CA November Exams 2020: COVID-19 guidelines for candidates
- Candidates have to report at their respective ICAI CA exam centres as per the reporting time as mentioned in the admit card in order to avoid overcrowding at the entrance gates.
- Candidates must ensure that they do not have any coronavirus symptoms or suffering from it on the day of the exam.
- Candidates, as per the ICAI CA November exam guidelines, have to maintain social distancing norms at the CA exam centre.
- Candidates need to clear thermal scans before entering CA November 2020 exam halls.
- The use of face masks as well as carrying individual hand sanitiser and personal water bottles have been made mandatory for all the CA November exam candidates. However, the centres are advised to keep stock of masks, sanitizers and water bottles to be provided to the candidates in case of need.
- Candidates are advised to bring their own pen, pencil, scale, calculators, water bottle etc. as borrowing / lending / exchange of the same in the examination hall is strictly prohibited.
ICAI CA November Exams 2020: Admit Card
Earlier, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the admit card for Chartered Accountancy exams, which are to be conducted in November. The students who will appear for the examination can download their CA Exam admit card from the official website-- icai.org.
ICAI CA November Exam Admit Card -- Direct Link to download