A 55-year-old man and his seven-year-old grandson were injured on Tuesday after a teenage driven car hit them and other pedestrians in Delhi’s Adarsh Nagar. The driver, a 17-year-old, was apprehended and legal action against the owner of the vehicle is also being taken. Police said that a case under section 281 (rash driving) and 125A (causing hurt by act endangering life of personal safety) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) has been registered.
The speeding car also rammed into half a dozen pedestrians. The police said that Mannat, the seven-year-old grandson and his grandfather, Rajesh, have been admitted to the hospital and were in a critical condition.
The entire incident was caught in a CCTV footage which went viral on social media soon after the incident. The video showed a white Hyundai Santro car ramming into people standing on a roadside. Rajesh was carrying Mannat in his lap when they were hit by the car.
A police officer said four more people received minor injuries and required the administration of first aid.
Mumbai teenager rams car into motorcycles
In another incident of careless driving by a juvenile, a speeding Porsche car allegedly driven by a 19-year-old rammed into motorcycles parked along the footpath in Mumbai’s Bandra area. The accident which took place in the first week of December is one among the many accidents by minor drivers in the recent past.
Though nobody was injured in the Bandra incident, the police booked 19-year-old Dhruv Gupta for rash and negligent driving and sent his blood samples for chemical analysis to ascertain whether he was under the influence of alcohol at the time of the incident, an official said.
He said Dhruv is the son of a prominent businessman. Prima facie, five persons, including a woman, were present in the luxurious car, he said. The accident was captured on a CCTV camera, and the footage has gone viral.
(With PTI inputs)