World's oldest parliament was established: 5 historic events on 23rd June
History is not created in a day! But, a day can bring many changes in history. Following are five historical events that happened this day and changed the future course of the world.1. In the
History is not created in a day! But, a day can bring many changes in history. Following are five historical events that happened this day and changed the future course of the world.
1. In the year 930, World's oldest parliament, Althing was established in Iceland.
2. In the year 1868, Christopher Latham Sholes received a patent for an invention he called the "Type-Writer."
3. In the year 1894, The International Olympic Committee was established in the presidency of Demetrios Vikelas in Lausanne, Switzerland.
4. In the year 1975, During the Welcome To My Nightmare tour, Alice cooper broke his six ribs after he fell off from the stage in Vancouver.
5. In the year 1980, Sanjay Gandhi, the young politician and son of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, died in a plane crash.