News Buzz Who-cares Gross Alert: Pakistanis are smoking ‘Scorpions’ for bizarre reasons! Check out the full details

Gross Alert: Pakistanis are smoking ‘Scorpions’ for bizarre reasons! Check out the full details

Smoking cigarettes is too mainstream!

smoking scorpions Pakistanis are smoking scorpions to get high

We’ve heard about a number of instances where people eat insects like cockroaches, ants and spiders. But have you ever come across someone smoking a scorpion? Yes, Pakistanis are smoking scorpions for utterly bizarre reasons. They are smoking scorpions to get ‘high’. According to them, the scorpions can get them high for up to ten hours straight! This is more or less equal to a full blown acid trip. The first six hours of smoking scorpions can be really painful as they body is acclimatizing itself to the substance. 

There are various anecdotes of people smoking a scorpion. Some say that it has hallucinogenic effects along with a sensation of euphoria. It’s similar to Psilocybin working on your body. Some even equate the delusion to an amplified version of smoking hash. 

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Smoking scorpions- yay or nay? 

Smoking scorpions can get deadlier than you imagined. It’s a no-brainer actually. The venom in its sting is the primary substance for getting high. It triggers psychotic reactions in the one who smokes it. It can also cause memory loss. The drug found its venom is highly obnoxious and several people have also died due to smoking it. 

How are the scorpions smoked? 

The scorpion is first killed. They also utilize the dead scorpion, if found. It is dried in the sun after which it is crushed into a powder. Some even heat a living scorpions on a makeshift stove. The powder is rolled into a paper and smoked. The powder is also mixed with hash and tobacco for added results. Some even mix it up with opium or crack. 

Pakistanis smoking scorpions

This practice is commonly seen in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Afghanistan regions. But the prevalence of this practice is not restrained to these regions only. It has made its way into metropolitan areas as well. The scorpion powder is available for Rs. 200 or 300 per pop. 

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There’s no law currently to curb this practice. It’s a tricky predicament. Non-availability of synthetic drugs has made this practice popular. People who cannot get their favourite drug, settle down with lizards and scorpions. 

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