News Buzz Twitterati fumes over sexist and regressive matrimonial ad that asks for ‘non-feminist’ girl in marriage. Read Tweets

Twitterati fumes over sexist and regressive matrimonial ad that asks for ‘non-feminist’ girl in marriage. Read Tweets

The ad is about a 37-year-old Mysuru-based industrialist who is looking for an ‘attractive’ bride but a non-smoker, non-feminist, good cook and never been married before.

Twitterati fumes over sexist and regressive matrimonial ad Image Source : TWITTERTwitterati fumes over sexist and regressive matrimonial ad

While the world is moving at a pace to eradicate caste, creed and gender barriers from everywhere, a matrimonial ad is doing rounds on the internet that has completely shaken the laws of not just marriage but being a modern day human being.  The ad is about a 37-year-old Mysuru-based industrialist who is looking for an ‘attractive’ bride. He has his own international export business and is presently earning an 8-figure salary. However, his demands in the ad are going viral on the internet for all the wrong reasons.

The last few lines of the matrimonial reads – “She should be a non-smoker, non-feminist, good cook and never been married before or having any kid. Caste, Creed, Religion and Nationality, no bar. No dowry required” The mention of ‘non-feminist’ in the description has not gone down well with the Twitterati and they can’t help but slam the man for his ‘sexist’ remarks.

The ad most certainly proves that sexism still prevails in many communities in our country and no matter how much we try to bring equality in the society, it will never happen till people like him don’t change. While netizens flooded the ad with displeased comments, they also took a dig at the publisher for printing it. The ad was published in The Hindu.

Here are some of the reaction-

According to reports, a woman who responded to the matrimonial received a rape and murder threat in the reply. 


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