Mumbai doctors find LED bulb inside seven-month-old's lung
On the third day of medication when bulb became visible, bronchoscopy was performed.
When seven-months-old Ariba Khan continued to have persistent cough and fever, her family took her to physicians in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. Local physicians were unable to diagnose the toddler and when her condition deteriorated, relative asked to admit her to children hospital.
Parents initially thought that Ariba has swallowed a thread or part of a toy after the X-Ray report showed an object in her right lung. She was given medicines to control infection.
“A primary bronchoscopy that the lung was full of granulation tissues (tissue and microscopic blood vessels that form on the surfaces of a wound during the healing process). The tissues were hiding the object, thus making its removal difficult ,” said Dr Prabhat, as quoted by Hindustan Times.
After two days of antibiotics and steroids, the infections and granulations became clear. On the third day when bulb became visible, again bronchoscopy was performed. It was an LED bulb which Ariba had swallowed while playing with toy mobile phone. It was two-centimetre in diameter.
Within two minutes this object, which initially looked like a strand of wire, was removed using forceps. To our surprise the object was a two-centimetre in diameter,” Dr Prabhat added.
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