News Buzz Ahead of President Trump and Kim Jong’s meet on June 12, their duplicates rule the Singapore roads

Ahead of President Trump and Kim Jong’s meet on June 12, their duplicates rule the Singapore roads

While the leaders are prepping for the big meeting, duplicates of President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un have been taking over the streets of Singapore.

donald trump and kim jong Image Source : TWITTERAhead of President Trump and Kim Jong’s meet, their duplicates rule the  Singapore roads

American President Donald Trump and Supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong-un have all the eyes on them regarding their historic first meeting to be held in Singapore. While both the powerful leaders have reached the country on Sunday, their duplicates ruled the show on the Singapore roads.

The leaders arrived late on Sunday and both were received at the airport by Singapore’s foreign minister, Vivian Balakrishnan, before heading to their respective luxury hotels. Both of them have their hotels in the same area which has been declared as ‘Special event zone’. Heavy security guards the hotels of both the leaders and no one is allowed inside the buildings without a pass. 

While the leaders are prepping for the big meeting, duplicates of President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un have been taking over the streets of Singapore by shaking hands, getting clicked and giving interviews.

When the duplicates made their presence on the road, people went crazy as they thought they were real Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un. Later they realized the duplicity of the event. Nevertheless, people in huge numbers gathered to have a glimpse of the two ‘enemies’ having a moment together.

When asked if he would want to make peace or war with American President Donald Trump, the duplicate Kim Jong-un revealed that he would make peace as he doesn’t have to use his nuclear weapons on America now. He believes that Trump is already destroying his country for him.

The duplicate Kim Kong also had opinions about Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. He said that he loves him. Watch the video here.

It is said that Donald Trump wants to strike a deal to get the North Korean leader give up its nuclear weapons, in return, he would offer protection.