News Buzz Mouthful Here's how social media turned global village to viral universe!

Here's how social media turned global village to viral universe!

Social media - you might have loved it initially, and after getting addicted to it, you would have brooded over the idea of getting rid of it.Chosing to shut one path will eventually land you

here s how social media turned global village to viral universe here s how social media turned global village to viral universe

Social media - you might have loved it initially, and after getting addicted to it, you would have brooded over the idea of getting rid of it.

Chosing to shut one path will eventually land you up on another; people who got fed up of Orkut moved on to facebook, some boast to have found solace on twitter, while professionals have Linkden and for people with curiosity there is Quora!

Internet has created enough space for people of varied taste and from different backgrounds  that it has become nearly impossible to shun social media.


1) Makes you feel special:  Internet makes you feel special, your photo updates, timeline updates, your thoughts. It gives a sense of belief even in this busy world and fast changing world people care  about you ,they  spare time for you and  your thoughts.





2) Unlike real world you can fight to the hilt : In real life , you will think twice before picking a fight but here you can be a superhero, you can have your say  without shouting out loud and the loudest one can get here is by writing in block letters.





3) Gives space for your little accomplishments: On social media you can encourage your brethrens and family by promoting their little but significant achievements.





4) Slacktivist:  Being an activist need more time and courage , But social media has given birth to new bunch of agitators who are highly active on internet . They support many campaigns and sign petitions for betterment of society.





5) Recognizes talent : Social media has also given birth to a new breed of talents who don't go knocking on the doors of the producers instead they create their own films, shoots their own music videos and upload them on platforms like youtube, Vimeo,etc.





6) Right to troll:  If you have the right skills and wit, you can troll even a celebrity and take pride in it for the rest of your life.





7) Relationships: It has two facets ; through social media if we connect to somebody and invest time with them and hit the right cord which would not have been easier if we have met somebody and judged him by his appearance only.

Although one has to be careful because it has also become a favorite bastion for cheaters masquerading as lovers.





8) Celeb feel : Never before you would have imagined your photo will be in same timeline as of your favorite celeb. When you scroll through your timeline and  find Deepika's photo right below yours, even if you get 10 likes and Deepika has 10,000 likes, you will still feel elated.