News Buzz Life 10 signs you are an ardent booklover!

10 signs you are an ardent booklover!

Food is necessary for our body, like ways a good book is for our mind.The best way one could feed their brains is by reading books. It brings in a joy of its own, which

10 signs you are an ardent booklover 10 signs you are an ardent booklover

Food is necessary for our body, like ways a good book is for our mind.

The best way one could feed their brains is by reading books. It brings in a joy of its own, which perhaps is irreplaceable; nothing else can give the pleasure one derives from reading!

Reading gives us peculiar delight, and that allows us to forget the cares and worries of life in that moment.

Books are a treasure richer than of any king. They are the gold mines of art, literature. science and information, & are our constant companions.

Here are 10 signs that an ardent reader will surely relate to...

1. Smell of the new book...

2. Pre ordering a book before release

3. Imaging oneself as character present in the book you are reading

4. When someone asks you what your favorite book is and expects you to pick just one, you go blank.

5.  When the movie version of a book gets everything wrong.

6. When you forget to eat or sleep because a book is so good.

7. saving your pocket money to buy your favourite novel series

8. When you lend someone a book and get it back in terrible condition

9. When soemone looks down on your reading preferences

10. When even your BFF dares to gift anything else other than book that you were dying to read and droping hints for that.

 Copyright images: IndiaTV