News Buzz Life This girl got raped by her family 'every day'! And her story is not any different from us!

This girl got raped by her family 'every day'! And her story is not any different from us!

Rape – the word is often used to define the forced sexual intercourse suffered by a person, be it male or female.As far as females are concerned , rape is not confined to sexual assault

this girl got raped by her family every day and her story is not any different from us this girl got raped by her family every day and her story is not any different from us

Rape – the word is often used to define the forced sexual intercourse suffered by a person, be it male or female.

As far as females are concerned , rape is not confined to sexual assault only. They are subjected to different forms of rape and it follows them almost everywhere they go.

Yes, rape can be done by thought, looks, words and actions too!  The word rape is used here to describe the pain inflicted behind the social injustice towards women.

It has been taken here as the helpless state of oppressed woman in our society, many of whom, live under this burden of orthodox conservative thinking.

This video by Video Talkies aptly showcases the discrimination and injustice inflicted upon women in day to day life.  

A girl is called a slut when she hangs around with her male friend but nobody points finger at the guy? Would society dare to call him a play boy? No it will never do that!

Right from the birth, a girl tends to face discrimination, be it in terms of education, facilities or amenities. And it continues in the form of dowry and domestic violence , she has to bear all this in order to survive and maintain her married life.

In one minute, this video will give you insight into a girl's life and you will understand why the pain of social injustice is no less than Rape.