It's lucky to be alive, right? The frog which has been aptly-named lucky was almost to be stabbed when Becky Garfinkel noticed it. The Californian woman bought a packaged salad- a spring mix from the local store expecting it to be made of lettuce. But she was wrong as she got a tiny critter in the large box. Becky who is a vegetarian was shell shocked to find the creature, however, she couldn't abandon it and ended up adopting the frog.
It was after having nearly half of the salad, she noticed that something in the box started moving. Much to her shock, she found a frog. She screamed and rinsed off the dressing but the creature was barely alive. The frog was revived through chest compression by Becky's husband. Writing about the incident on Facebook, she posted, "Target... this is the most disgusting thing I have seen. Yes that's a frog, a live frog from my spring mix I got from your store today. I discovered him after eating almost my entire salad and almost stabbed him. The worst for me is that I'm a very strict vegetarian due to meat allergies." After the Facebook post, Target offered her a gift card worth $5
The frog is now a pet and a part of the happy family. The Garfinkels have used an old aquarium to keep the new member.