Delhi Police gives a history lesson by posting picture of first FIR filed on Twitter
Delhi Police posted the picture of first FIR filed by them back in 1861.
Delhi Police has been pretty active on its Twitter account. Today, it decides to give a history lesson to its followers. It posted a throwback picture dating back to 1861 which shows the first FIR filed by Delhi Police. The FIR Is written in Urdu and bears the date 18th October, 1861, stating the theft on a Hookah, utensils, women clothes and also a KULFI.
The FIR was filed 156 years ago at the Subzi Mandi Police Station in North Delhi and the complainant was Maeeuddin Wald Mohammad, a resident of Katra Sheesh Mahal. The stolen commodities cost 45 aanas which is equivalent to Rs. 2.81 back then.
Delhi Police, however, didn’t mention that whether the thieves were caught or not. The FIR was framed and put on display at Delhi Police Museum. The picture of the maiden FIR is also present at Subzi Mandi Police Station. The hashtag Thursday Throwback completed 10 years on soical media. Delhi Police struck the right chord with its throwback picture. They added a hashtag #khaashaiitihaas for which they deserve 10/10.
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