SBI Account-Aadhaar linking: Simple steps to do it online or through ATM
SBI Account-Aadhaar linking: It is mandatory for customers to link Aadhaar with all savings accounts with the State Bank of India (SBI), India's largest lender. SBI provides you with multiple channels to link your Aadhaar number to your existing account. Here's simple steps to do it online or through ATM.
SBI Account-Aadhaar linking: It is mandatory for customers to link Aadhaar with all savings accounts with the State Bank of India (SBI), India's largest lender. Any kind of transaction from ATM withdrawal, cash deposit, fund transfer or passbook update will not be possible if account holders do not link their bank accounts with Aadhaar.
SBI provides you with multiple channels to link your Aadhaar number to your existing account . Pick any one as per your convenience. Some of these are mentioned below:
SBI Corporate Website OR
- Click on the Homepage Banner "Link your AADHAAR Number with your bank account".
- Navigate the screens to get your AADHAAR number linked
- Status of mapping will be advised to you on your registered mobile number.
Steps to Link Aadhaar with SBI Bank Account through Internet Banking
Step 1: Visit the SBI’s official website
Step 2: Login to your internet banking account
Step 3: Click on the “e-Services” section
Step 4: Select “Update Aadhaar with Bank Accounts (CIF)” option
Step 5: Enter your profile password and click on Submit button
Step 6: Now select your CIF number from the drop down menu
Step 7: Enter your Aadhaar number twice and click on the Submit button
Step 8: Your Aadhaar will be linked with your SBI bank account
Step 9: You will receive a confirmation once it is linked successfully
Process to Link Aadhar Card with SBI Bank Account Online
Step 1: Log into
Step 2: Click on “Update Aadhaar with Bank Accounts (CIF)” under “Aadhaar Linking”
Step 3: Enter your account number and security text.
Step 4: Now enter your Aadhar number and confirm it
Step 5: Tick the disclaimer after reading the terms and conditions
Step 6: Now click the “Submit” button
Step 7: You will get a confirmation message on the successful linking of Aadhaar with your account.
How to Link Aadhar Card with SBI Bank Account through ATM
Step 1: Visit a nearby SBI ATM
Step 2: Swipe your card and enter your PIN
Step 3: Select the “Service Registration” option
Step 4: Now select “Aadhaar Registration” option
Step 5: Choose the type of account i.e. Savings or Checking/Current
Step 6: Enter your Aadhaar number
Step 7: Re-enter your Aadhaar number for confirmation
Step 8: Your request will be accepted by the bank
Step 9: Your Aadhaar will be linked with your bank account
How to Link Aadhar Card with SBI Bank Account through Mobile App
Step 1: Open your SBI Anywhere Personal mobile app
Step 2: Click on “Requests”
Step 3: Select the “Aadhaar” option
Step 4: Select the “Aadhaar Linking” option
Step 5: Select your CIF number from a drop-down menu
Step 6: Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar and confirm it by entering it again
Step 7: Tick the disclaimer after reading the Terms and Conditions
Step 8: Click on Submit button
Step 9: You will get a message stating that your request has been processed and your Aadhaar number is successfully linked to your bank records
Step 10: Click on “Ok” to complete the process.
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