Fact Check: Has RBI issued new Rs 1000 note?
Messages are being widely circulated on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube claiming that the RBI will discontinue ₹ 2,000 notes and issue new ₹ 1,000 notes. But, has RBI issued new Rs 1000 currency notes?
Fact Check: Since long, you must be hearing that the Reserve Bank of India will discontinue Rs 2000 notes. There has been lot number of messages are being widely circulated on social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook and YouTube claiming that the RBI will discontinue ₹ 2,000 notes and issue new ₹ 1,000 notes. But, has RBI issued new Rs 1000 currency note?
What Government has to say?
Denying rumours circulating on social media, the government said that the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued no fresh Rs 1,000 currency note. The govt said that the image circulating on social media is fake and no such notification has been released by the RBI, it added.
PIB Fact Check's Twitter handle has also said that the claim made is fake!
PIB Fact Check says "A fake rumour has been circulating on social media with the claim that RBI has issued a new 1000 Rs note."
“The image circulating and the claim made is #Fake as the notification for the same has NOT been released by #RBI”, PIB Fact Check twitter handle said.
Earlier, on Feb 26, news agency IANS reported that Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Wednesday said that no instructions have been given to banks on stopping issuing notes of Rs 2000 denomination.
"As far as I know, no such instruction has been given to the banks (on stopping issue of Rs 2000 notes)," she said at a meeting with heads of PSU banks.
The Finance Minister’s comments come after reports of ATM recalibration to phase out of Rs 2,000 notes and that the largest currency denomination will remain legal tender, but would be gradually phased out of public circulation.
Also Read: Fact Check: Will ₹ 2000 notes be discontinued?