Volkswagen launches new Jetta
Mumbai: Automobile manufacturer Volkswagen on Tuesday launched the new variant of its sedan Jetta priced between Rs.13.87 lakh and Rs.15.01 lakh (Ex-showroom Mumbai)."With the introduction of the new Jetta, we once again underline our commitment
Mumbai: Automobile manufacturer Volkswagen on Tuesday launched the new variant of its sedan Jetta priced between Rs.13.87 lakh and Rs.15.01 lakh (Ex-showroom Mumbai).
"With the introduction of the new Jetta, we once again underline our commitment to the Indian market," said Michael Mayer, director, Volkswagen Passenger Cars, Volkswagen Group Sales India.
"We are committed to offering some of the safest, best-built, best-performing cars in our international line-up to the discerning Indian customer, and the Jetta is a brilliant example of that," Mayer added.
According to the company, the sedan is available in two engine options, including a 2.0-litre four-cylinder turbo-diesel, and a 1.4-litre four-cylinder turbocharged petrol unit.
The company said that the new Jetta's 2.0-litre turbo-diesel engine, with its 140 horsepower and 320Nm of torque provides a fuel economy of 19.33 km per litre.
The 1.4-litre TSI turbocharged petrol engine, produces 122 horsepower and 200Nm of torque and returns a fuel mileage of 14.69 km per litre.
The company added that while the changes are subtle, they contribute to the car's sophistication and upmarket feel.