Videocon Mobiles launches eight 3G smartphones
New Delhi: Handset maker Videocon Mobiles launched eight 3G ( third generation) devices in the range of Rs 6,000 to Rs 15,000 under its new 'Infinium' series."The new series is a second level category for
New Delhi: Handset maker Videocon Mobiles launched eight 3G ( third generation) devices in the range of Rs 6,000 to Rs 15,000 under its new 'Infinium' series.
"The new series is a second level category for our smartphone range and we are targetting people who want to upgrade to be better device at a competitive price," Videocon Mobile Phones CEO Jerold Pereira said.
He said the company will launch at least six new smartphones by March 2014 and aims to increase the market share in the segment to 5 per cent by then.
"Right now we have around 2-3 per cent share in the smartphone market and by 2014 we are aiming to increase it to 5 per cent," Pereira added.
The company said the new series brings power-packed 3G smartphone experience to the emerging consumer in the country.
It said the new series addresses a variety of customer needs which include processing power, screen size and resolution, photo-capturing options and more in competitive prices.
"With the wide range of Infinium series smartphones, we seek to address the varied needs of every smartphone user -be it the first-timer or the 'pro'. And all of this backed by the quality, trust and service reach of the Videocon name," Videocon Mobile Phones Division Head (product planning and development) Khalid Zamir said.
"The new series is a second level category for our smartphone range and we are targetting people who want to upgrade to be better device at a competitive price," Videocon Mobile Phones CEO Jerold Pereira said.
He said the company will launch at least six new smartphones by March 2014 and aims to increase the market share in the segment to 5 per cent by then.
"Right now we have around 2-3 per cent share in the smartphone market and by 2014 we are aiming to increase it to 5 per cent," Pereira added.
The company said the new series brings power-packed 3G smartphone experience to the emerging consumer in the country.
It said the new series addresses a variety of customer needs which include processing power, screen size and resolution, photo-capturing options and more in competitive prices.
"With the wide range of Infinium series smartphones, we seek to address the varied needs of every smartphone user -be it the first-timer or the 'pro'. And all of this backed by the quality, trust and service reach of the Videocon name," Videocon Mobile Phones Division Head (product planning and development) Khalid Zamir said.