Titan launches Sonata watches sub-brand SF
Bengaluru: Watches, accessories and jewellery player Titan Company on Monday launched touch-enabled watches branded SF under Sonata brand aimed at adventure enthusiasts."The adventure space in India is fast-growing but has been largely untapped, especially in
Bengaluru: Watches, accessories and jewellery player Titan Company on Monday launched touch-enabled watches branded SF under Sonata brand aimed at adventure enthusiasts.
"The adventure space in India is fast-growing but has been largely untapped, especially in the watches category. There is no brand operating, we have identified this vacuum and launched SF by Sonata," said Titan's watches and accessories CEO Ravi Kant.
SF sub-brand is the evolved version of Sonata's older Super Fibre range of watches and targets urban male in the age group of 15-26 years, he said.
SF watches are manufactured in Hong Kong and China and imported to India.
The touch powered watch can be operated like a phone just by sliding it in all four directions and comes with dual time, water resistance, EL backlight, countdown timer, alarm, stopwatch, chime and a 100 year calendar.
However, the SF adventure watches lack features like GPS, compass and altimeter.
The touch series adventure watches are priced between Rs.1,799 and Rs.2,899 in 13 variants and are available at 8,000 retail outlets across the country.
"Sonata brand launched by the Titan Company in 1997 clocked annual sales of 4.6 million watches in 2014 out of which one million were Super Fibre range of watches," said Kant.
Kant said Titan Company is also working on a smart watch and announced that it will come out with some important news on this front very soon.