News Business Samsung Galaxy owners will get Jay-Z's new album for free

Samsung Galaxy owners will get Jay-Z's new album for free

New York, June 17: Jay-Z is teaming up with Samsung to release his new album, unveiling a three-minute commercial during the NBA finals on Sunday and announcing a deal that will give the music to

samsung galaxy owners will get jay z s new album for free samsung galaxy owners will get jay z s new album for free
New York, June 17: Jay-Z is teaming up with Samsung to release his new album, unveiling a three-minute commercial during the NBA finals on Sunday and announcing a deal that will give the music to 1 million users of Galaxy mobile phones.

The new album, called "Magna Carta Holy Grail," will be free for the first 1 million android phone owners who download an app for the album. Those who do so will get the album on July 4, three days before its official release, according to a Sunday statement.

Samsung is a leader in the mobile phone market and has been steadily chipping away at Apple's share of the market with its Galaxy phones. The deal with Jay-Z is yet another example of how mobile companies are using music to lure new consumers.

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