Nokia's future hangs on Windows Phone 8 rollout
New Delhi, Oct 29: For Nokia, it comes down to this Is Microsoft's new phone software going to get it back in the smartphone race, or is it going to be too late?After being the
The launch of Windows Phone 8 follows on the heels of Windows 8 for PCs and tablets, which Microsoft released Friday. That operating system has borrowed its look from Windows Phone, meaning Microsoft now has a unified look across PCs and phones - at least if people take to Windows 8. The company has also made it easy for developers to create software that runs on both platforms with minor modifications.
Analysts are calling this a make-or-break moment for Nokia.
"Nokia is placing a huge bet on Microsoft and if the gamble doesn't pay off, the losses can be high," said Neil Mawston from Strategy Analytics, near London. "It's putting all its eggs in one basket and that's quite a high-risk strategy."
In February last year, Nokia announced it was teaming up with Microsoft to replace its old Symbian and next-generation MeeGo software platforms with Windows. This move was made in the hope that it would rejuvenate the company and claw back lost ground.