Nokia launches two new dual-sim handsets
Jaipur, June 28: Nokia today launched two mobile handsets having new features.“Nokia-Asha 302 and 202 dual sim are designed to offer a richer consumer experience with the best access to music services, internet, social networks
Jaipur, June 28: Nokia today launched two mobile handsets having new features.
“Nokia-Asha 302 and 202 dual sim are designed to offer a richer consumer experience with the best access to music services, internet, social networks and greater functionalities at affordable prices”, Ravi Kumar, the Regional Director, North, of Nokia India, said at the launching ceremony.
The latest devices are equipped with the company's innovations that are driving its success, Kumar said adding this included Nokia music unlimited, Nokia Browser, Nokia Maps and social networking features.
“Nokia-Asha 302 and 202 dual sim are designed to offer a richer consumer experience with the best access to music services, internet, social networks and greater functionalities at affordable prices”, Ravi Kumar, the Regional Director, North, of Nokia India, said at the launching ceremony.
The latest devices are equipped with the company's innovations that are driving its success, Kumar said adding this included Nokia music unlimited, Nokia Browser, Nokia Maps and social networking features.