News Business Mark Zuckerberg is the best boss: Glassdor

Mark Zuckerberg is the best boss: Glassdor

New Delhi, March 23: Mark Zuckerberg has been voted as the top chief executive by employees of his company, Facebook, according to a survey of what current and former employees think of top bosses leading

mark zuckerberg is the best boss glassdor mark zuckerberg is the best boss glassdor
New Delhi, March 23: Mark Zuckerberg has been voted as the top chief executive by employees of his company, Facebook, according to a survey of what current and former employees think of top bosses leading companies.

According to Glassdoor, an online community for careers and workplaces, Zuckerberg had almost a near-perfect approval with 99 percent of Facebook's employees endorsing his way of running the world's leading social network.

Answering what puts these CEOs at the top of the heap? Glassdoor CEO Robert Hohman, said: "While anyone can assume a position in leadership, not everyone garners their employees' support for how they lead the company."

Glassdoor gave each voter the chance to pronounce himself "very satisfied," "satisfied," "neutral," "dissatisfied," or "very dissatisfied" with their bosses. In the case of Facebook, for example, out of 423 employees polled, 325 -- that's 77 percent -- say they're very satisfied with Zuckerberg's performance. That's compared to only two disgruntled souls who say they're very unsatisfied.
Apple's Tim Cook was voted the top CEO last year with a 97 percent approval rating. Cook still made the list this year, but he dropped to the 18th spot with a 93 percent approval rating.

While women are making more of a splash in the tech world as of late, no female tech CEO made the list this year. Let's take a look at the top 10 CEOs in the list.

10. Pierre Nanterme, Accenture

2013 Approval Rating: 95%

2012 Approval Rating: 90%

Employee view

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