News Business See most-shared video ads of 2013

See most-shared video ads of 2013

New Delhi: Unruly has announced the Top 20 most shared video ads of 2013. A three-minute video from Dove which aims to show women they are more beautiful than they think is the most shared

see most shared video ads of 2013 see most shared video ads of 2013
New Delhi: Unruly has announced the Top 20 most shared video ads of 2013. A three-minute video from Dove which aims to show women they are more beautiful than they think is the most shared ad of 2013.

"Dove Beauty Sketches," created by agency Ogilvy Mather for the Unilever personal care brand, tops the 2013 Top 20 Global Social Video Ads Chart – an annual ranking of the year's most socially-shared video ads.

The ad has received 4.24 million shares across Facebook, Twitter, and the blogosphere since its launch in April.

Others who made to the chart of the most shared video commercials of this year include the Jean-Claude Van Damme Volvo ad claiming the #10 spot with 1.82 million shares only eight days after its release.

1. Dove: Real Beauty Sketches: 4.24 million

Dove transformed its marketing strategy to a more socially conscious approach; building self-esteem and celebrating real women through its advertising, instead of featuring ageless spectres like Andie McDowell.

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