News Business 10 unknown facts about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

10 unknown facts about Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg

New Delhi: The founder of the social networking site Facebook Mark Zuckerberg reign in as the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. He is only 29, and he has accomplished what few people could do

10 unknown facts about facebook ceo mark zuckerberg 10 unknown facts about facebook ceo mark zuckerberg

New Delhi: The founder of the social networking site Facebook Mark Zuckerberg reign in as the youngest self-made billionaire in the world. He is only 29, and he has accomplished what few people could do in a lifetime. Did you know Mark Zuckerberg is half Bulgarian – something which he is proud of. In an interview with "AP", he added, he was proud of his Bulgarian ancestry. In fact, Mark was named after his grandfather Bulgarian - Marco on maternal line.

According to Zuckerberg his grandfather had emigrated from Bulgaria to ship in 1940s of the last century.

Mark Zuckerberg established a name for himself in the social media world and is the poster boy for tech industry success in Silicon Valley. He is the epitome of an ambitious, free-thinking innovator willing to work around the clock to help develop the next big business venture.

One of the fastest-growing companies in history, Facebook has become an essential part of everyday social life, a conduit for developing bongs with our loved ones.

In her new book, "Think Like Zuck: The Five Business Secrets of Facebook's Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg,” social media trailblazer Ekaterina Walter answers the questions everyone is asking: How did a 19-year-old Harvard student create a company that has revolutionized the Internet, and how did he grow it exponentially in such a brief period? According to Walter, it was a result of five Ps:
Passion, Purpose, people, product, and partnerships.

Certainly Zuckerberg has a lot to celebrate. He's amassed a fortune, inspired one of every seven people on the planet to use his product and changed how the world communicates. 

Let's take a look at some interesting facts about him:

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