News Business Apple iPhone 5S review

Apple iPhone 5S review

New Delhi: With the new iPhone 5S, Cupertino-based Apple has stuck to its gun: a redesigned iPhone with sunning looks, upgraded internals and a minor improvement in the shape. However, many of you may ask:


Simple put, Apple has done a pretty fair job in putting everything it has learned in this space over the last six and a half years in a simple yet appealing manner. The new iPhone has a faster processor, brighter camera and a little smart software – all which is relevant to deliver a winning formula. It is a no-brainer upgrade for anyone looking to upgrade from, say iPhone 4 or iPhone 4S, or a smartphone for business that is safe, secure, and comes with simple mobile operating system that will keep its corporate data and networks secure.

However, I must say that matching the specs of the new iPhone with its other rivals in the market is a difficult task, which also renders the whole point of getting everything Apple.

For instance, Touch ID simply feels normal, like you'd already known it. Well, the A7 chip does makes things faster, including things like camera and increased security in Touch ID. The inclusion of M7 chip alongside, however, still intrigues us, but in reality the company is giving a cool tool to play with, and we'll see the fruits of it in the near future. 64 bit apps, which consumers don't have access yet, will really turbocharge the experience, and the A7 processor is clearly capable of some very heavy lifting.

The camera has improved substantially, taking some excellent shots with minimal backlift needed, and the Touch ID sensor is the first real step into biometrics on a smartphone.

Now comes the point, should you upgrade it? It depends on which side are you coming from. Are you coming from Android phones that have a larger screen real estate (4.7" to 5") then, of course, then switching to the iPhone's four-incher isn't easy. Its screen does not stand tall as compared to high-end Android competition. However, if you're coming from an older iPhone (4S or before), then it is certainly a huge upgrade with many pluses that makes it a good purchase. And I can bet you won't regret it.

It isn't revolutionary, but it is the best iPhone yet. And that I leave it upto you to decide! Do let me know your comments on this.

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