News Business 10 tips to make your phone's battery last a whole day

10 tips to make your phone's battery last a whole day

New Delhi: Given that a typical smartphone is doing plenty of things it is nothing but common that they get their battery life depleted at the end of the day. Running out of juice annoys

10 tips to make your phone s battery last a whole day 10 tips to make your phone s battery last a whole day
New Delhi: Given that a typical smartphone is doing plenty of things it is nothing but common that they get their battery life depleted at the end of the day. Running out of juice annoys most smartphone owners.

Wondering why it always happen to you even when you charge your phone without fail. To answer this we are offering some tips to conserve your phone's battery life, so that you can enjoy all the cool things that your phone can do.

Turn on auto-brightness

The screen is one of the biggest consumer of your phone's battery juice, and keeping it too bright will be a needless waste of power. The 'auto' mode on most devices is a good option to keep power consumption level to a minimum. The auto mode reads the ambient light to adjust screen brightness to needed levels. For instance, the iPhone has an ambient light sensor that adjusts the brightness of the screen based on the light around it.

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