News Brand Content The Importance of a Term Insurance Review

The Importance of a Term Insurance Review

Term insurance plans evolve over time to meet consumers' changing needs and preferences. Every now and then, insurance companies introduce newer products into the market with enhanced features designed to offer greater value, efficiency and flexibility to policyholders.

Reasons why a term insurance review is essential. Image Source : SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTReasons why a term insurance review is essential.

A term insurance review refers to reassessing the features and benefits of your existing plan to ensure it aligns with your financial needs. As you grow older and your family expands, your financial needs and those of your loved ones are bound to change and evolve. A term insurance review ensures your policy is always aligned with your advancing financial needs and that your loved ones are optimally protected.

Here are some reasons why a term insurance review is essential:

1. To incorporate the changes within your family

Your family dynamics will likely change over time. You may initially purchase a term insurance plan when you are young and unmarried. However, as years pass, you may marry and have children. It is important for your term insurance to adapt to these changes.

Term insurance provides the flexibility to adjust your life cover as your family grows. When you marry and start a family, it becomes crucial to review your plan. This presents an ideal opportunity to ensure that the coverage aligns with the needs of your expanding family.

When you review your term plan, you can assess whether the life cover meets your requirements and address any discrepancies or inadequacies by opting for a higher sum assured.

2. To ensure your debts are covered

Debts such as home loans, car loans and others can take many years to repay. Moreover, in your absence, the responsibility to settle these loans falls on your next of kin. If they are unable to repay the loan within the allotted time, the lender can take ownership of your collateral or other assets. Therefore, it is crucial for your term insurance to cover all your outstanding debts adequately.

It is also important to understand that you may acquire new debts over time, and the terms of your existing loans can also change. A term insurance review can help you assess the cost of all your loan obligations and determine whether your family will have enough funds to repay them in your absence.

When you review your term plan, you can consider factors such as interest rates, loan penalties and fees to ensure that your loved ones are not left without financial protection to address these outstanding liabilities.

3. To address inflation

While you may purchase a term insurance policy that meets your current financial needs, it is essential to consider the potential effects of inflation on your family's future financial requirements. Inflation diminishes the purchasing power of money over time, such that the same amount of money will buy fewer goods in the future.

A term insurance review allows you to assess these evolving needs and adjust your coverage accordingly to account for inflation. This ensures that your family will not be left with a diminished financial cushion in the future.

4. To ensure you get the best of features

Term insurance plans evolve over time to meet consumers' changing needs and preferences. Every now and then, insurance companies introduce newer products into the market with enhanced features designed to offer greater value, efficiency and flexibility to policyholders.

These updates may include new riders, which are additional benefits that can be added to your policy to customise your coverage according to your specific needs. For example, critical illness, accidental death, terminal illness and permanent disability riders provide extra financial protection in case of unforeseen events.

Insurers may also introduce more flexible premium payment terms, such as monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually, or multiple payout options with the option to receive the death benefit as a lump sum payment, regular income payments or a combination of both.

Reviewing your term insurance plan allows you to stay informed about these updates and upgrade to the latest features, ensuring that you can benefit from the advancements in the market.

5. To address the needs of your children

The needs of your children can change over time. For instance, differently-abled children, those suffering from critical illnesses and others may require more financial assistance from their parents. Special needs children, in particular, may rely on lifelong financial support, a need that a term insurance plan can address.

If you foresee your children being financially dependent on you in the future, enhancing your life cover can be helpful. Reviewing your term plan alongside your children's evolving needs ensures a secure financial future for them in your absence.

6. To address your family’s lifestyle

Your family’s lifestyle can evolve significantly over time. For instance, at the beginning of your career, with a modest salary, you and your family may be renting a smaller house. However, as you grow older and your income increases, so does your lifestyle. Eventually, your family may upgrade to renting a bigger house or making other lifestyle enhancements.

A term insurance review helps you consider your progressing lifestyle needs and adjust your life cover accordingly. Better schools, a higher standard of living, social commitments, frequent travel and other factors that increase your monthly budget can all be taken into account during a review, allowing your life coverage to be adjusted accordingly. This ensures that your family's lifestyle is not compromised in your absence.


While a term insurance plan does not require constant monitoring, regular reviews at critical junctions can prove to be helpful. You can review your plan during crucial life moments such as marriage, becoming a parent or experiencing the loss of a loved one. Additionally, periodic reviews every few years, such as every five years, can be beneficial to accommodate loans, inflation and other similar factors.

No matter the approach you choose, make sure to evaluate your plan regularly. A term insurance calculator can be a crucial tool at this step to gauge your future needs and select an appropriate new cover.

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