In the quaint village of Silkyara in Uttarkashi, a challenging rescue mission is underway to free approximately 40 labourers who have been trapped in a tunnel for the past eight days. The difficulties faced in this operation, as explained by celebrity astrologer Parduman Suri, are intricately linked to the celestial positions of the Sun and Saturn.
Parduman Suri highlighted the astrological significance, noting that Saturn governs machinery, and the Sun entered the Scorpio zodiac sign on Saturday, November 17. Given that the Scorpio zodiac sign is ruled by the Sun, and the rescue machinery is predominantly made of iron, the alignment of Saturn and the Sun has posed additional challenges for the trapped individuals.
Praduman pointed out that the continuous movement of machines, influenced by the positions of Saturn and the Sun, is causing disturbances in the tunnel, leading to repeated disruptions in rescue operations.
According to astrologer Parduman Suri, these challenges may persist due to the ongoing movements of both planets. Despite assurances from the local administration, it may be nearly impossible to extricate the trapped individuals before Friday. Therefore, the immediate focus should be on providing oxygen and provisions to those stuck in the tunnel, aligning with a strategy based on the positions of Saturn and the Sun.
Parduman Ji argued that if astrological calculations had been considered before initiating the tunnel project, such obstacles might have been avoided. He suggested that the current challenges in reconstructing the tunnel in November, despite its completion in March, could be attributed to the position of the Mars planet. Praduman emphasized the importance of aligning the timing and date of excavation work with the favourable positions of celestial bodies, drawing parallels to Earthly rituals such as havans and satellite launches.
Parduman ji recommended that, in Silkyara village in Uttarkashi, commencing excavation work after considering the position of Mars would have been a more appropriate and auspicious approach.
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