Rahu and Ketu are making a transit together; people of THESE zodiac signs need to be careful
Rahu and Ketu make transit in the zodiac signs together. People of these 5 zodiac signs are advised to be careful about this transit of Rahu and Ketu during the next 18 months. Know what will be the effect of this movement on your life from Acharya Indu Prakash.

Rahu and Ketu remain in parallel with each other. These planets simultaneously change the zodiac signs. Rahu is going to transit in Aries on 12th April 2022. The ruling planet of Aries is Mars. Ketu will also transit the sign of Venus in Libra on the same day. For those unversed, Rahu will stay in Aries and Ketu will stay in Libra for about 18 months. Therefore, the people of these 5 zodiac signs are advised to be careful about this transit of Rahu and Ketu during the next 18 months. Know what will be the effect of Acharya Indu Prakash on your life and what measures you will have to take for that.
You are advised to be careful about your relationships. You may have to face some difficulties in this area. Financial problems may come up in your life.
For the people of the Libra zodiac, Rahu will transit in the seventh house and Ketu will transit in the first house. During this time, you need to be more careful in matters of money transactions, health and relationships. If a person has an auspicious position of the planets Rahu Ketu in the horoscope, then through this transit, development and changes will be seen in their life.
This time is not going to be very good for the people of Sagittarius. During this time you may have insecurities about the future. You may also lose money due to taking wrong decisions during the transit period. Therefore, it is advisable not to take any major decisions related to money during this period.
For Capricorn, Rahu-Ketu will transit in the fourth and tenth house respectively. Ketu transit is going to be favourable for you. But Rahu transit is not very good for you. During this time some problems may arise in your family. Also, you may have to face health problems.
This transit will bring unfavourable results for Pisces. During this time you may have to face financial problems. Health-related problems may also have to be faced.