Never wear Pearl with Diamond, Panna (Emerald) and these 3 other gemstones
In astrology, wearing pearls is considered auspicious as it calms the mind and relieves mental stress. However, if worn with gemstones such as diamonds and emeralds it can prove to be very harmful. Know with which gemstones you should wear a pearl for positive results.

In astrology, the pearl stone is said to be the factor of the moon. According to Ratna Shastra, it is believed that for the person who wears a pearl, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi always remain on him. Pearl is also helpful in the progress of the person. Pearls are considered to have a calming effect on the mind. But sometimes it can also have a negative effect if worn without considering one's horoscope. Yes, since pearl is the karaka of the Moon, people whose zodiac sign is hostile to Chandradev should avoid wearing pearl. Also, one should not mix several gemstones together and wear them. It also has a negative impact.
Pearl should be worn with which gemstone?
Pearl should be worn with yellow topaz or with coral. This will give auspicious results.
Pearl should not be worn with which gemstones?
If a person is wearing Diamond, Panna, Gomed, Lehsunia or Vaidurya, and Neelam then they should avoid combining it with pearl. According to astrology, a pearl is worn to lessen the inauspicious effect of the moon. Due to the enmity of the Moon with Venus, Saturn, Mercury, pearls will have a harmful effect and may increase mental stress.
Which zodiac signs should not wear pearls
Astrology says that the people whose zodiac signs lords are Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Rahu should never wear pearls. Pearls harm the natives of these zodiac signs. This means that people of Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius ascendant should not wear pearls. If such people wear pearls then their mind gets distracted and upheaval starts in life.
Those people whose moon is placed in the 12th or 10th house in their horoscope are also not advised to wear pearls.
Disclaimer: This article is based on general public information and proverbs. India TV does not confirm its veracity. Before wearing any gemstone, consult an expert from the relevant field.