News Astrology Mars Transit in Sagittarius: 7 zodiac signs including Aries will get immense success in business

Mars Transit in Sagittarius: 7 zodiac signs including Aries will get immense success in business

Mars Transit in Sagittarius: With this transit of Mars in the first house of Sagittarius, your health will be better and you will not have any problem with your enemies. Also, the transit of Mars in the fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house of the birth chart makes the person Manglik. To avoid Temporary Manglik Dosh of Mars, donate camphor or curd in the temple on Friday.

Mars Transit in Sagittarius: Know changes in zodiac signs Image Source : FREEPIKMars Transit in Sagittarius: Know changes in zodiac signs 

The shift in planetary positions plays a huge role in our personal and professional lives. It influences our work and moods and brings benefits accordingly. On January 16, Earth's son Mars entered the Sagittarius sign and will continue to transit in Sagittarius until 3.49 pm on February 26. After that, it will enter the Capricorn sign. Mars is the lord of Aries and Scorpio and is set to affect their lives. There is a possibility of profits in business or stress in the household.

During this transit of Mars, what will be the effect on the people of different zodiac signs, where will Mars transit them and what measures should you take to ensure auspiciousness and avoid inauspiciousness in that situation. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash. 


This transit of Mars will be in the ninth-house i.e. the place of luck in this zodiac sign. So, this transit of Mars will give the people of Aries all kinds of happiness and good luck. On the other hand, the support of an elder brother will boost your luck even more. During this, people associated with the business of arms, medicine and agriculture etc. will benefit. Those who are employed in the administrative services may also get some other post. To ensure the auspicious results of Mars, the brothers must help them whenever they need it.

Also Read: Mercury retrograde 2022: Huge benefits for Aries, Taurus, Sagittarius, know about other zodiac signs


This transit of Mars in your eighth house will make you temporarily Manglik till 26 February. Actually, the person is called Manglik due to the transit of Mars in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth position in the birth chart. In such a situation, if you are married, then you should pay attention to whether Mars is entering the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth position in the birth chart of your spouse. If yes then it is fine, otherwise, you must do the remedies. Therefore, to avoid the Temporary Manglik Dosh of Mars, heat a tawa for making rotis, then after sprinkling water when it is hot, make the roti.


Mars will transit in your seventh house. This transit of Mars in the seventh house will make you temporarily Manglik till 26 February, just like the people of Taurus. This will increase your interest in religious works as well as in mathematics. To get auspicious results of Mars and to avoid Temporary Manglik Dosh, gift red coloured clothes to your sister or aunt and seek their blessings. 


Mars will transit in your sixth house. This transit of Mars will increase your strength in society and in the meantime, you will be introduced to some good people of the society, whose benefits you will definitely get in the coming times. This transit of Mars has also brought auspicious signs for your brothers and friends. But if Mars was in the lower sign at the time of your birth, then this time is difficult for you. You must avoid the fire. To ensure good results of Mars transit, gift something to your brother on Tuesday.


With this transit of Mars in the fifth house of Leo, you will get the happiness of children. Your intellectual ability will increase and you will get full support of the Guru. Also, there will be sweetness in married life. Whatever work you do till February 26, you will get five times the result. So whatever you do, do it wisely. Take care of your health as well. To avoid the inauspicious results of Mars, sleep with a pot of water at your head at night and give milk to young children. 


Mars will transit in your fourth house. With this transit of Mars, you will get the happiness of land, vehicles and will get the support of your mother. Your children and brothers will also get auspicious results. But the transit of Mars in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth position in the birth chart makes the person Manglik. Therefore, this transit of Mars in the fourth house of Virgo zodiac, then it will make you temporarily Manglik till 26 February. On the other hand, if you are married, then also pay attention to whether Mars is going first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house in the horoscope of your spouse. If yes, then it is fine, otherwise you must be careful and take measures for this transit. Therefore, to avoid the temporary Manglik defects of Mars, first of all, after waking up in the morning, rinse your mouth with water. 


With this transit of Mars in your third house, your household life will be fine. You will help others in every possible way. Your progress till February 26 will also depend on how you will behave with other people. If you will maintain humility in your nature, then till February 26, you will not face any kind of trouble and will get financial benefits from your in-laws' side. But during this time, keep in mind not to take a loan from anyone. To ensure the auspicious results of Mars, try to avoid unwanted expenses.


This transit of Mars in the second house of Scorpio will bring mixed results. You will benefit financially but the money received will not stay with you for long. The more love you keep with your brothers, the more you will get benefits. By the way, you will get complete happiness of children. Therefore, to ensure the auspicious results of Mars, wake up in the morning and take the blessings of the elder women of the house.


With this transit of Mars in the first house of Sagittarius, your health will be better and you will not have any problem with your enemies. 'Mitranam Udayastav' means the rise of your friends, as well as cooperation from brothers and sisters at every step. Along with the people associated with politics, people working in iron, wood, machinery etc. will also get financial benefits. The transit of Mars in the fourth, seventh, eighth and twelfth house of the birth chart makes the person Manglik. Therefore, with this transit of Mars in the first house of Sagittarius, you will be temporarily called Manglik till 26 February. If you are married, keep in mind whether Mars is in the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth birth chart of your spouse. If the transit is in these houses, then it is fine, otherwise you should carefully take measures. To avoid Temporary Manglik Dosh of Mars, donate camphor or curd in the temple on Friday. 


With this transit of Mars in the twelfth house of Capricorn, you will not be short of money and will be influential. But till February 26, you should control your expenses and your anger. Also know that like the first, fourth, seventh and eighth house in the birth chart, the transit of Mars in the twelfth house also makes the person Manglik. Therefore, this transit of Mars in the twelfth house of Capricorn will make you temporarily Manglik till 26 February. If you are married, then pay attention to whether Mars is entering the first, fourth, seventh, eighth or twelfth house in your spouse's birth chart. If yes then it is fine, otherwise you should be careful and take measures for this transit of Mars. To avoid the Temporary Manglik Dosha of Mars, offer sweet bread to the dog and cover the head with a khaki colored cap or turban till 26 February. 


With this transit of Mars in your eleventh house, you will be courageous and your faith in spiritual thoughts will increase. In the meantime, along with you, your parents will also benefit financially. The pastoralist and merchant class will also get benefits in many ways. However, during this time you need to take care of your health. Therefore, to avoid the inauspicious results of Mars, gift a bedsheet to your daughter's husband and children. 


With this transit of Mars in the tenth house of Pisces, wherever you go, there will be progress. Your household life will be happy and your health will also be fine, as well as your property may increase. But keep in mind that if gold is kept in your house, then it would be appropriate to keep it in the locker during this time. To avoid the inauspicious results of Mars, while boiling milk on the stove, keep in mind that the milk does not fall out of the pot after boiling.