News Astrology Horoscope Today, September 28: Cancer's pending work will gain momentum; know about other zodiac signs

Horoscope Today, September 28: Cancer's pending work will gain momentum; know about other zodiac signs

Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day of September 28, 2024, will be for you and by what measures you can make this day better.

Horoscope Today, September 28: Other zodiac signs Image Source : FILE IMAGEHoroscope Today, September 28: Other zodiac signs

Today's Horoscope, September 28, 2024: Today is Udaya Tithi Ekadashi Saturday of Ashwin Krishna Paksha. Ekadashi tithi will last till 2:51 pm today. Indira Ekadashi fast will be observed today. Also, today Shraddha will be performed for those on Ekadashi date. Siddha Yoga will last till 11:51 pm tonight. Also, Ashlesha Nakshatra will remain till 3.38 pm tonight. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how the day of 28 September 2024 will be for you and by what measures you can make this day better. Also, know which lucky number and lucky colour will be for you.


Today is going to be a great day for you. Today there may be more expenditure on family comforts but due to good income, there will be no stress. If you behave patiently with children today, you will become their favourite person and this will increase their morale and your respect. Be careful about outside activities at work today. Keep yourself busy with your work today. Today you will be busy with some of your work. Today, the help and guidance of family members will give a new direction to your thoughts. Today the atmosphere in your family will be pleasant. Everyone will be happy. Today you may also get a chance to meet a close friend.


Today is going to be a golden day for you. If you have confidence in your abilities and hard work today, even difficult tasks can be completed with a little effort. Today you may get good news from a relative. Control unnecessary expenses today. Otherwise, your budget may be disturbed. If today's students focus on studies and careers, there are chances of success soon. Today there will be minor problems in business but they will be solved with the help of officials. You may meet your lovemate. Getting angry over small things today is not good for your health.


Today is going to be favourable for you. Today you will get a chance to work with influential people, this will give you important information. There will be mental peace. Today, everyday work will continue as before. There may also be a trip nearby. If you don't trust anyone blindly today, you will be saved from a big problem. Don't ignore your matters today. Today, get all the work done at the workplace under your supervision. Today there will be an atmosphere of happiness and peace in the family.


Today is going to be a day full of new enthusiasm for you. Today your pending work will gain momentum. Today there will be positive discussions with family members on important issues. Today the idea of ​​organizing a religious event in your home will also come up. Today, seek advice from an experienced person to solve any problem related to children. Today, tough decisions will have to be taken to quickly complete the pending work in the workplace, which will be beneficial in the coming days. Today the officers will be completely satisfied with the work of the people working. Today there will be mutual coordination among family members. Today, do not take more responsibilities than your capacity.


Today is going to be a good day for you. You may get some good news by this evening. Today, positive results will emerge in the ongoing discussions on property-related issues. Today women will be aware of their personality. Don't make any decisions out of emotions today, think carefully first. Today you will behave friendly with children because excessive restriction can reduce their self-confidence. Instead of starting any new work in business today, focus on existing activities.


Today is going to be a better day for you. Today you will get love and blessings from the elders of the house. Spend some time today in religious and social work. This will provide mental peace. Today is a good day for financial investment. It is important to bring change in yourself today. Today, sometimes sticking to your principles can cause harm. Today, businesswomen should especially pay attention to their business. Today, there are chances of progress for those in the entertainment and cosmetic business. Today you can get special responsibilities and rights at home. The atmosphere at home will be pleasant.


Today is going to be a favourable day. Today any of your wishes can also be fulfilled. Today, your mind will be a little sad due to not getting results as per your hard work. Working too much today can make you tired both physically and mentally. Do not share your plans and working methods with anyone today. Someone can take the wrong advantage of this. Today, you will make special efforts to make the family arrangement better and more pleasant. Today you can plan to give some gifts to your loved one.


Today is going to be a normal day for you. Today plans will be made with friends and some colleagues. Today there will be more work to maintain order in the house. Today you will be able to complete them with full heart and strength. Keep a systematic routine today. Don't waste your time on useless things today. If you want to consult an experienced person before working on plans. Focus on yoga and meditation to get relief from physical and mental fatigue.


Today is going to be a good day for you. Today your financial condition is very good. Using it depends on your ability. Today you can easily get answers to difficult questions. You will have a good time with friends today. Today, due to the spoilage of items of daily use, money will be spent on repair work. Avoid keeping bad things in the house. There is a need to change the way of working in business. Be very careful while making any decision in the property business. People doing jobs should maintain good relations with officials. With the help of your spouse, your family atmosphere will be good. Don't take on more work than you can handle today.


Today is going to be a special day for you. Today any of your government matters may get resolved. Due to this, you will get relief from mental stress. Today your presence will be decisive in any dispute with a relative. Your intelligence and understanding will also be appreciated. Do not share your plans with anyone today. Otherwise, someone can take advantage of them. Today, balancing business and family matters may prove to be a challenge for you. Today you will get success in import-export-related work. Your spouse will have full support towards home and family.


Today is going to be a great day for you. Today we will go shopping for things related to the comforts of the family. Today some of your work will also be completed. Sometimes the thoughts of family members can become the cause of your problems. Keep your behaviour and thoughts restrained today. If any transaction-related activity is going on today, then keep in mind your capabilities. Do your research thoroughly before investing in a business. Today, by taking guidance from an officer, you will get a solution to any problem. Today you will take care of the health of the elders in the house.


Today is going to be a day full of happiness for you. Today your confidence will increase. You will have the strength to complete your work under any circumstances. Today your respect in society and family will increase. Today you may travel for some special work. Today, by controlling weaknesses like sentimentality and generosity, you will be able to make good decisions. Do not be hasty in taking any business decision today. Gather good information before forming business relations with new parties and new people.

(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country, who has vast experience in Vaastu, Samudrik Shastra and Astrology. You see him giving predictions every morning at 7.30 am on India TV.)