Horoscope Today, May 4: Taurus people can get promotion; THESE zodiac signs need to be careful
Today is the Udaya Tithi of Vaishakh Shukla Paksha, Tritiya and Wednesday. Tritiya date will remain till 07.32 am. After that Chaturthi Tithi will take place. Today Vainayaki Shri Ganesh Chaturthi fast will be observed. There will be Ravi Yoga, which gives success in all the works throughout the day and the whole night. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash how your day will be on May 4 according to your ruling planet.

Today will be a favourable day. If you will work according to the plan today, then you are definitely going to benefit. The day is good for the people associated with the banking sector. In a difficult situation, today you will get the support of a friend. This will strengthen the friendship even more. Do not express your views unnecessarily today unless there is a need. New happiness will come in married life.
Today is going to be a favourable day. You are going to get a big benefit from some work. Today, sister's support in some personal work is going to be more than expected. Your spouse will make up their mind to give you a beautiful gift. This will increase the sweetness in the relationship. Seeing your performance in the office today, the boss will talk about your promotion. Along with this, your salary will also increase.
Today's day will bring a new gift. Today it will be fine to implement the plans already made. People who are associated with the field of tourism are going to get financial benefits today. Be aware of your work today, an opponent may make an unsuccessful attempt to harm your business. Students will get the support of their elder sister in completing the project today.
You will have a good day today. If you are going on a journey today, then it is going to be beneficial. Today your hard work will prove to be fruitful. Your charming personality will attract everyone towards you. If you are looking to buy a new house today, then the day is auspicious for you. A distant relative will come home to meet you. The people around you will be happy with you today. Lovemates will go for a walk somewhere.
Today luck will support you fully. Some such things will come to the fore in business today which will be beneficial in future. Starting any new work will be beneficial for you. There will be new possibilities of profit. Today is a good day for the engineers. You are going to get an offer for teaching from a college.
Today your mind will be more engaged in spirituality. Someone will prove to be special for your career. You will work hard in the right direction so that more work can be completed. Today you will be honoured by some organisation. People doing jobs will have an impact today. The opinion of parents is going to prove to be effective in any new business. Students studying in another city are going to get some big success today.
Today is going to be a good day. There will bring sudden monetary gains for the property dealer. Women will get a surprise from their life partner today. You will feel good by sharing things with your friends. There will be happiness and peace in the family. People associated with the medical field will benefit.
Today is going to be a great day. Whatever solution comes to your mind today for the growth of business, it will prove to be effective. Today, the work done in the past is going to give good results. Any big matter related to land will get resolved. Today there is a possibility of profit from office work. Some good changes are going to happen in your career today. Due to which honour and respect will increase.
Today's day is going to bring happiness. You will get positive results from the work done earlier. Today you will find new avenues of progress. The ability to deal with problems quickly will give you a special identity. Today, people will get help from their spouse in some important work, due to which the work will be completed easily.
Today is going to be a good day for you. There will be a glimpse of confidence in your work. You will attract others with your words. Students are going to get some good news related to competitive exams today. Married today, if you listen to your life partner, sweetness will increase in the relationship. Opponents will keep distance from you today.
Your health will be better than before. Today your married life will remain happy. Also, sweetness will increase in the relationship. Today you are going to get some unexpected money, which you were waiting for a long time. Time will be spent laughing and joking with friends. Today, keep yourself away from unnecessary work, otherwise more of your time will be spent in useless work. There will be happiness in married life.
Today will be a fine day. If the businessmen keep their planning secret, then success will definitely be achieved. Before investing in any work today, do a thorough investigation, so that you can avoid losses. You will be playing with children in the evening which will reduce mental stress. The newlyweds will go out for dinner somewhere today. Lovemates will appreciate each other.