Aaj Ka Panchang 29 September 2022: Know Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and Sunrise-Sunset time
Aaj Ka Panchang 29 September 2022: Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and Sunrise-Sunset time.
Aaj Ka Panchang 29 September 2022: Today is the Chaturthi date and Thursday of Ashwin Shukla Paksha. Chaturthi Tithi will remain till 12.8 pm tonight. Today, on the fourth day of Shardiya Navratri, Mother Kushmanda will be worshipped. Today Ravi Yoga will be there from 5.54 am to 9.13 pm in the morning. Also, after crossing the whole day of today, Visakha Nakshatra will remain till 5.13 am the next day. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurta and Sunrise-Sunset time.
Auspicious time
Chaturthi Tithi - Tonight till 12.8 pm
Ravi Yoga today from 5:54 am to 9.13 pm
Visakha Nakshatra - After crossing the whole day today till 5.13 am the next day
Delhi - 01:41 PM to 03:10 PM
Mumbai - 01:59 PM to 03:29 PM
Chandigarh - 01:42 PM to 03:12 PM
Lucknow - 01:26 PM to 02:56 PM
Bhopal - 01:40 pm to 03:10 pm
Kolkata - 12:57 pm to 02:27 pm
Ahmedabad - 01:59 PM to 03:29 PM
Chennai - 01:29 PM to 03:00 PM
Sunrise-Sunset time
Sunrise - Sunrise - 6:12 am
Sunset - Sunset - 6:10 pm
(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country with vast experience in Vastu, Samudrik Shastra and Astrology. You see him predicting every morning at 7.30 am on India TV)