Aaj Ka Panchang 24 October 2022: Know Monday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and Sunrise-Sunset time
Aaj Ka Panchang 24 October 2022: Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Monday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and Sunrise-Sunset time.
Aaj Ka Panchang 24 October 2022: Today is the Chaturdarshi date and Monday of Kartik Krishna Paksha. Chaturdarshi date will remain till 5.27 pm today. Today is Narak Chaturdashi. After that Amavasya date will start. The validity of yoga will remain till 2.33 pm today. Also, today afternoon at 2:42 pm, there will be Hasta Nakshatra, after that Chitra Nakshatra will take place. Apart from this, today is the festival of Hanuman Jayanti and Diwali. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Monday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurta and Sunrise-Sunset time.
Auspicious time
- Chaturdarshi Tithi - Today till 5:27 pm
- Vaidhriti Yoga - Today at 2:33 pm
- Hasta Nakshatra - Today at 2:42 pm
- Chandigarh - 07:55 am to 09:19 am
- Lucknow - 07:36 am to 09:01 am
- Bhopal - 07:47 am to 09:13 am
- Kolkata - 07:03 am to 08:29 am
- Ahmedabad - 08:06 am to 09:32 am
- Chennai - 07:29 am to 08:57 am
Sunrise-Sunset time
- Sunrise - 6:26 am
- Sunset - 5:43 pm
(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country with vast experience in Vastu, Samudrik Shastra and Astrology. You see him predicting every morning at 7.30 am on India TV)
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