Aaj Ka Panchang 22 September 2022: Know Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and Sunrise-Sunset time
Aaj Ka Panchang 22 September 2022: Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurat and sunrise-sunset timings.
Aaj Ka Panchang 22 September 2022: Today is the Dwadashi date and Thursday of Ashwin Krishna Paksha. Dwadashi Tithi will cross the whole day of today and will remain till 1.17 pm late at night. Today is the Shradh of those on Dwadashi Tithi. Today there will be Shiva Yoga till 9:45 in the morning, after that Siddha Yoga will take place. Along with this, after crossing the whole day today, Ashlesha Nakshatra will remain till 2.03 pm in the late night. Know from Acharya Indu Prakash Thursday's Panchang, Rahukal, Shubh Muhurta and Sunrise-Sunset time.
Auspicious time
Dwadashi Tithi - By crossing the whole day of today till 1.17 minutes late at night
Shiv Yoga - Today morning till 9.45 minutes
Ashlesha Nakshatra - After crossing the whole day today till 2:30 in the night
Delhi - 01:45 PM to 03:16 PM
Mumbai - 02:02 pm to 03:33 pm
Chandigarh - 01:46 PM to 03:17 PM
Lucknow - 01:30 PM to 03:01 PM
Bhopal - 01:44 PM to 03:15 PM
Kolkata - 01:00 PM to 02:31 PM
Ahmedabad - 02:03 pm to 03:34 pm
Chennai - 01:32 PM to 03:03 PM
Sunrise-Sunset time
Sunrise - Sunrise - 6:09 am
Sunset - Sunset - 6:19 pm
(Acharya Indu Prakash is a well-known astrologer of the country with vast experience in Vastu, Samudrik Shastra and Astrology. You see him on India TV every morning at 7.30 am )