News AP News The Latest: Leaders call for multilaterialism in UN speeches

The Latest: Leaders call for multilaterialism in UN speeches

The second day of speeches by world leaders at the United Nations has begun with more calls for multilateralism

The Latest: Leaders call for multilaterialism in UN speeches Image Source : APThe Latest: Leaders call for multilaterialism in UN speeches

UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The Latest on the United Nations General Assembly (all times local):

10 a.m.

The second day of speeches by world leaders at the United Nations has begun with more calls for multilateralism.

Namibia's president, Hage G. Geinob, said Wednesday he is alarmed to see the world drifting "ever more worryingly towards unilateral action." He said that goes against the fundamental tenets of democracy.

He said that "democracy ... is by far the best system that enables key values of the United Nations, necessary for sustained inclusive development." And he added, "It is for this reason that we must embrace multilateralism with greater urgency, to counter unilateral action."

He also praised Monday's opening speech by U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, who warned against rising polarization and populism.

Earlier, Panama's President Juan Carlos Varela said countries must work together to stem migratory movements that "can only be resolved by removing the root causes that cause them to leave their countries."

The speeches praising multilateralism run counter to the theme being pushed by U.S. President Donald Trump, who openly scorned the idea of "globalism" and has been touted his "America First" agenda.


8 a.m.

More world leaders are stepping up to the podium at the U.N. General Assembly, but the lion's share of the day's attention will be down the hall where U.S. President Donald Trump will be chairing the Security Council.

It'll be Trump's first experience in leading a session of the U.N.'s most powerful body, where the U.S. currently holds the rotating presidency. It's using that perch to double down on criticism of Iran.

While Wednesday's meeting of the council will be addressing the issue of nonproliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, Trump himself has left little doubt that it'll be another chance to target Tehran.

Disclaimer: This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Associated Press (AP) wire.