Nebraska principal on leave after banning Christmas symbols
A Nebraska elementary school principal has been placed on leave after a controversial religious freedom group threatened to take legal action over the principal's ban on Christmas and holiday symbols
OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A Nebraska elementary school principal has been placed on leave after a conservative Christian group threatened legal action over her ban on Christmas and holiday symbols in her school.
Elkhorn Public Schools quickly reversed the ban on Santa, candy canes, red and green items, and other Christmas-related symbols after Liberty Counsel accused the district of hostility toward Christians. The district says Manchester Elementary principal Jennifer Sinclair violated district policy that specifically allows Christmas trees and other seasonal symbols to be displayed.
Sinclair apologized to parents in an email Wednesday. She was placed on administrative leave Thursday and couldn't be reached for comment Friday.
Liberty Counsel is known for taking up evangelical and anti-gay rights causes. It represented a former Kentucky county clerk who refused to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples.