News AP News Dems: Pelosi foes seek term limits on leaders, panel chairs

Dems: Pelosi foes seek term limits on leaders, panel chairs

Democrats say House lawmakers who've opposed Nancy Pelosi's effort to become speaker next year want her to commit to limiting how long people could serve as party leaders or committee chairs

Dems: Pelosi foes seek term limits on leaders, panel chairs Image Source : APDems: Pelosi foes seek term limits on leaders, panel chairs

WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats say lawmakers who have opposed Nancy Pelosi's effort to become speaker next year want her to commit to limiting how long people could serve as House party leaders or committee chairs.

Should the California Democrat and her foes reach agreement, it could move her toward the support she'll need when the new House convenes Jan. 3 and votes on its new speaker.

Her opponents have complained that Democratic leaders are entrenched and there is no chance for younger lawmakers to advance.

The people who described the talks say negotiations are still underway and it is unclear when an agreement might be reached. They spoke on condition of anonymity to describe private conversations.

Republicans currently limit committee chairs to three two-year terms.


This story has been edited to correct that Republicans limit committee chairs to three two-year terms, not six-year terms.

Disclaimer: This is unedited, unformatted feed from the Associated Press (AP) wire.