Challenge for indicted Republicans: Win re-election
Two Republican congressmen trying to win re-election while under indictment in a fresh test of partisanship in the Trump
Winning re-election while indicted is a rare feat in U.S. history.
But two Republican congressmen are attempting to do just that in November's midterm elections: Reps. Duncan Hunter of California and Chris Collins of New York.
After pleading not guilty in August to separate federal charges, both congressmen are entering the final weeks of the campaign doing what they can to lay low.
Instead, they have mostly appeared at Republican-friendly events, and run attack ads against their Democratic challengers that some say seek to exploit racial prejudice and xenophobia.
The Collins and Hunter contests are emerging as a fresh test of partisanship in the Trump era. Some voters may look past such a blemish this year to ensure that their preferred party remains in power.