On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the formation of Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Teerth Kshetra Trust, four days before the deadline set by the Supreme Court was to end. This trust will build the Ram Temple at his birthplace in Ayodhya on a plot of 67.7 acres. The Cabinet has cleared a detailed scheme for building the shrine and its surrounding complex.
Simultaneously, in pursuance of the Supreme Court verdict, the UP government has allotted five acres of land for building a mosque, nearly 25 km away from the temple site on the Faizabad-Lucknow highway. The land will be handed over to UP Sunni Central Waqf Board.
The Prime Ministers announcement was greeted by members in the Lok Sabha, Outside Parliament, yoga guru Swami Ramdev was the first to welcome the announcement saying that the nation is fortunate in having a PM like Narendra Modi, who has taken this decision keeping in mind the sensitivities and faith of crores of Hindus.
All India Muslim Personal Law Board member Maulana Khalid Rashid Firangimahali of Lucknow said "divisive politics over temple must now end and it is up to the Sunni Waqf Board whether to accept the land gifted by the government or not. " This is a welcome reaction.
I remember, when the apex court was about to give its verdict, the RSS and BJP leaders had directed their supporters to maintain peace at all cost, and refrain from celebrating in public. The Ayodhya verdict was finally accepted peacefully by all sides.
AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi sought to link the PM's announcement of the Trust to the forthcoming Delhi elections and said that the timing of this announcement will not help the BJP in the polls.
Politics is a strange subject where leaders draw their own conclusions to suit their line of thinking. Owaisi and leaders of his ilk must know that the formation of the Trust is a sequel to the directions given by the Supreme Court. The court had given deadline till February 9, which was going to expire. The Trust was bound to be set up, and leaders like Owaisi must stop polarizing the society on this dead issue any more.
I believe, politics over temple issue must now end and our leaders should at learn from common Hindus and Muslims who have accepted the apex court verdict peacefully, and with humility.
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