New Delhi: There is a famous legend on the island of Barbados of coffins that are moved by unknown forces.
Though the details surrounding the phenomenon are sketchy, the enigma is one that has fascinated researchers for over a century.Considered one of the island's most chilling and sinister mysteries, in one tomb in this cemetery the dead are anything but at rest.
Various versions of this story have been told throughout the years and details have become confused.
It is hard to tell where the truth ends and lore takes over. But there was undoubtedly something unexplainable going on.
The graveyard of Christ Church near Oistin's Bay was the unlikely home of a string of mysterious events early in the 19th century.

The tomb belonged to the Chase family, a family infamous for unusual behavior. The father of the clan, Colonel Thomas Chase, was so vicious that his slaves threatened to kill him.
Early in the 1800s, Colonel Chase purchased a large crypt in Christ Church cemetery.
The first Chase family member buried in the tomb was the baby of the family, Mary Chase. She was placed in the tomb within a heavy metal casket in February of 1808.