New Delhi: Pakistani actor Mikaal Zulfiqar, who touched the hearts of Indian audiences through his performances in TV shows "Dhoop Chaaon" and "Aaina Dulhan Ka", is willing to work in Indian soaps, but says he can't get intimate on the screen.
"I would love to do Indian shows, provided the script is good," said the actor who is not new to Indian cinema. He worked in "Godfather", a collaborative Pakistan-India film, as well as Jag Mundhra's "Shoot on Sight".
The Indian television is getting bolder, but Mikaal says he cannot adapt to the trend.
"Call me old-fashioned, but I will be hesitant to kiss on-screen. It will take some time for the boldness to find a place in Pakistan. At the end of the day, we are an Islamic country and it's a sensitive topic," Mikaal told IANS over phone from his home in Lahore.
Ever since Pakistani TV shows have entered Indian households via the 'Zindagi' channel, viewers have latched on to short and crisp dramas revolving around real life. Mikaal is of the view that it's time for Indian producers to ditch the 'larger than life' storyline and focus on realism akin to Pakistani serials.
"Pakistani serials are more inclined towards reality and it's our strength. It's not necessary that murder or infidelity will only add drama to the serials," the actor told IANS over phone from his home in Lahore.
"In our country, serials narrate about small household issues. For instance, it's not necessary that the business deal should be of Rs.500 crore, it could be of Rs.10 lakh as well. I feel there's no need to go into such elaborations," he added.
He also feels that Indian television is the reflection of Bollywood.
"Indian TV is probably influenced by Indian cinema, which is larger than life. But in case of Bollywood, such portrayal works. Cinema is to entertain and it exudes a feel good factor if it is full of songs and dance sequences," Mikaal said.
Mikaal has also worked in popular Pakistani dramas such as "Ik Kasak Baaki Hai" and "Paani Jaisa Pyar".